The use of cloud networking solutions to support a multi-cloud strategy has been voted the top technology trend of 2022. In an online poll carried out by the Business Innovation Leaders Forum, 42% of participants selected cloud networking as the most transformative trend for CIOs to watch out at a time when the world gears up for economic growth after two years of pandemic disruption.
Other technologies voted as having huge potential for a positive impact during 2022 included the use of AI to drive agility at the Network Edge which achieved 23% support, and next generation Unified Cloud Security, embracing innovations like Zero Trust and Confidential Cloud, with a 19% vote.
Scott Raynovich, founder & principal analyst with independent consulting firm Futuriom, was unsurprised to see cloud networking as one of the most significant trends for 2022: “As everybody knows, there’s a lot of exciting stuff going on with cloud technology,” he said. “I expect multi cloud to continue to gain momentum this year. We’re going to see more emerging solutions in multi-cloud networking as well as network as a service.”
Raynovich also sees a lot happening at the Network Edge over the next 12 months, as well as the placing of real time intelligence closer to the user: “Everybody’s talking about digital transformation, and for many people that means implementing nimble, agile applications which can be delivered with the cloud,” he noted. “We’ve been tracking innovation in AI at the edge. AI is a horizontal technology, but it’s especially important at the edge because part of the edge is about bringing processing power closer to the customer, whether that’s automated factories, or self-driving cars or retail and business analytics. New infrastructure is going to create all sorts of opportunities of the edge, especially the far edge.”
He is also in agreement with those who voted for next generation cloud security as key: “Cybersecurity is always evolving and getting smarter, trying to keep up with the bad guys,” he concluded. “Now we’re seeing Unified Cloud Security models which embed intelligence into the applications themselves so we can make sure the people talking to the applications are the right people.”
Raynovich was speaking at a recent International Media Round Table event entitled Hot Trends For 2022. This link will allow you to hear the event in full:
He has also spotlighted some of the most important players in the fields mentioned in this report.